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Personal Data Protection Notice for Katimas Group

  Effective dated: 01.12.2022


We, including our branch offices, are committed to protecting your privacy in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 of Malaysia (“PDPA”). This notice clarifies how we process your data from the point we collect, use, share, dispose of and the security measure that we established to ensure that your data is well protected.


We may collect your personal data which range :

  • personal information to establish your identity and background such as your full name, passport or identity card number, nationality and religion

  • contact information such as billing  address,  telephone number, mobile phone number, fax number and email address

  • payment information such as your debit or credit card information, including the name of cardholder, card number, billing address, expiry date and other bank account details

  • sensitive information such as your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religion or other beliefs, health, criminal background, or trade union membership. We do not generally collect sensitive information unless it is necessary due to exceptional circumstances to serve you better and meet your needs

  • recording of your image via CCTV cameras installed at our premises

  • recording of your photograph during any of our corporate events or third party open day

  • recording of calls placed by you to our customer services

  • function or post when you commence a business relationship with us

  • resume or CVs when you apply job with us

For general web browsing although no personal data is revealed to us, certain technical and statistical information is available to us via our internet service provider such as cookies, your IP address, the time, date and duration of your visit. If you provide us with any personal data relating to a third party (e.g. information of your spouse, children, parents, and/or employees), by submitting such personal data to us, you represent to us that you have obtained the consent of the third party to provide us with their personal data for the purposes as listed below.


We may collect personal data either from you, from your authorized representatives, from third parties, or from publicly available sources which may include (but is not limited to):

  • when you register with us (for example when you submit an application form to become our customer)

  • when you contact us in person, by a phone call or over the counter (for example when you contact us for any enquiries, complaints, comments or feedbacks, we may keep record of that correspondences)

  • when you participate in any surveys, questionnaires, competitions, contests, offers, or promotions done internally or via an appointed third party

  • when you commence a business relationship with us (for example, as a service provider, or business partner)

  • when you visit any of our premises

  • when you attend any of our corporate events or third-party open day

  • when you visit or browse our websites

  • when you apply job with us

  • when you interact with us via social media or interactive applications including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

  • when we collect information about you from third parties we dealt with or are connected with you (payment collector, housing developer, credit reporting agencies or financial institutions)

  • from such other sources where you have given your consent for the disclosure of personal data relating to you, and/or where otherwise lawfully permitted.


We collect your personal data for the following purposes:

  • to verify your identity

  • to manage and maintain your account or contract with us

  • to notify you about benefits and changes to the services

  • to provide and improve our services to you including fulfilling audit requirements, billing for services, and facilitating payments

  • to carry out your instructions or to respond to any enquiries, complaints, comments or feedbacks that you have submit to us

  • to protect or enforce our rights to recover any debt owing to us

  • to compile information for analysis and in reports for relevant regulatory authorities

  • to transfer or assign our rights, interests and obligations under any of your agreements with us

  • to update, consolidate and improve the accuracy of our records

  • to administer competitions, contests, offers, or promotions

  • to produce data, reports and statistics which have been anonymised or aggregated in a manner that does not identify you as an individual

  • to conduct research for analytical purposes including but not limited to data mining and analysis of your transactions with us

  • to assess financial and insurance risks

  • to conduct surveys, questionnaire, and provide you with information from us or which we feel may interest you, where you have consented to be contacted for such purposes

  • to engage in business transactions in respect of services to be offered and provided to you

  • to comply with any legal or regulatory obligations under the applicable laws, regulations, guidelines or industry codes that applies to us

  • for internal management of the services being provided to you

  • to maintain records required for security, claims or other legal purposes

  • to provide training for our staff

  • to conduct marketing and information technology activities (for example, market research)

  • to persons who have been identified as being you or your authorised representative(s) pursuant, for the purpose of the relevant transaction or enquiry

  • to third parties with whom we have contracted to provide services to us (such as analysis on our behalf) for any of the purposes described above. Where we disclose your personal data to third parties we shall ensure that such data is used only to provide services to us

  • for any other purposes that is required or permitted by any law, regulations, guidelines and/or relevant regulatory authorities.


We may be required or need to disclose information about you to the following third parties:

  • federal or state government

  • law enforcement agencies

  • government agencies

  • our regulator

  • to any of our subsidiaries, associated companies, affiliated companies, or related companies.

  • companies or organisations that assist us in processing and/or otherwise fulfilling transactions and providing you with services that you have requested

  • our business associates and other parties for purposes that are related to the purpose of collecting and using your personal data

  • other parties in respect of whom you have given your express or implied consent

  • any credit reporting agencies or in the event of default, any debt collection agencies subject to the permitted law applicable to us.


Where indicated in our application or registration forms manually or electronically, it is obligatory to provide your personal data to us to enable us to process your application for our services. Should you fail to provide a complete and obligatory personal data, we may not be able to process your application.


You have the right to:

  • Access and correct your personal data held by us. Where you wish to have access to your personal data in our possession, or where you are of the opinion that such personal data held by us is inaccurate, incomplete, misleading or not up to date, you may make a request to us via our Data Access Request Form or Data Correction Request Form respectively. These Forms are subject to payment determined by us. 

  • Stop any of our new promotional products being sent to you.

  • Withdraw your consent for us to process your personal data. If you withdraw your consent, we will not be able to process your application or request or provide you with our product and services.


We will retain your personal data as long if you are our customers. If you are no longer our customers, we will permanently delete your personal data. 


We endeavour to take all reasonable steps to protect your personal data and keep your personal data secured. This includes following our security procedures which includes but not limited as follows:

  • By ensuring your personal data is kept as required under PDPA

  • checking your identity when you call us.

  • By ensuring our staff not to misuse your personal data

  • By entering a contract/agreement with system vendors, appoint courier that abide in the PDPA.


Nevertheless, you are required to ensure the security of your password is always protected and not to disclose it to another party to reduce the risk of data breaches.


We only process your personal data within Malaysia. However, it may be necessary for us to transfer your personal data outside Malaysia if any of our service providers or business partners are involved in providing part of a services are located in countries outside Malaysia. You consent to us transferring your personal data outside Malaysia in these instances. We shall take reasonable steps to ensure that any such service providers or business partners are contractually bound not to use your personal data for any reason other than to provide the services they are contracted by us to provide and to adequately safeguard your personal data.


By communicating, engaging with our company or use the company’s products and services, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this Notice and agree and consent to use, processing, disclosure and transfer of your personal data by this company as described in this notice.


We are committed to protecting your personal data. If you have any questions, or comment in regard to the administration of your personal data, please contact us at

Notis Perlindungan Data Peribadi Bagi Katimas Group

 Berkuatkuasa pada: 01.12.2022


KATIMAS SDN. BHD dan anak-anak syarikat, syarikat bersekutu, syarikat gabungan, ataupun syarikat (KATIMAS Group) berkaitan mengambil berat mengenai perlindungan data peribadi anda. Notis ini menjelaskan bagaimana kami memproses data peribadi anda bermula daripada pengumpulan, penggunaan, perkongsian dan pemusnahan serta langkah keselamatan yang kami ambil untuk memastikan data peribadi anda dilindungi sebaiknya.


Kami mungkin mengumpulkan data peribadi berikut daripada anda seperti:

  • maklumat peribadi untuk menentukan identiti dan latar belakang anda seperti nama penuh, nombor kad pengenalan atau pasport, kewarganegaraan dan agama

  • maklumat komunikasi seperti alamat surat menyurat/pengebilan, alamat premis pemberian bekalan elektrik, nombor telefon, nombor telefon bimbit, nombor faks dan alamat emel

  • maklumat sensitif seperti keturunan bangsa atau etnik, pandangan politik, agama atau kepercayaan lain, latar belakang kesihatan, jenayah atau keahlian kesatuan pekerja. Kebiasaannya kami tidak mengumpul maklumat sensitif melainkan dalam keadaan yang yang sangat perlu dan tidak dapat dielakkan untuk memberi khidmat yang lebih baik dan memenuhi keperluan tertentu anda

  • resume atau kurikulum vitae anda apabila memohon pekerjaan.

Untuk tujuan melayari laman web secara am, walaupun tiada data peribadi yang terdedah kepada kami, beberapa maklumat teknikal dan statistik boleh kami dapati menerusi pembekal perkhidmatan internet kami seperti alamat IP anda, masa, tarikh dan tempoh anda melayari laman web.


Kami mandapatkan data peribadi anda daripada:

  • apabila anda mendaftar kami (contohnya ketika anda menyerahkan borang permohonan untuk menjadi pengguna kami)

  • apabila anda memohon pekerjaan dengan kami

  • apabila anda melawat atau melayari laman web kami

  • apabila anda berinteraksi dengan kami melalui media sosial atau aplikasi interaktif termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada Facebook dan Instagram

  • apabila kami mengumpul maklumat anda daripada pihak ketiga yang berurusan dengan kami atau yang berkaitan dengan anda (pemungut hutang, pemaju perumahan, agensi-agensi pelaporan kredit, atau institusi-institusi kewangan)

  • daripada sumber-sumber lain di mana anda telah memberi kebenaran kepada pendedahan data peribadi anda , dan/atau dibenarkan oleh undang-undang.


Kami mengumpul date peribadi anda untuk:

  • untuk mengesahkan identiti anda

  • untuk mengurus dan mengendalikan akaun atau kontrak anda dengan kami

  • untuk menguruskan permintaan anda atau menjawab sebarang pertanyaan, aduan, komen atau maklum balas yang anda majukan kepada kami.

  • untuk menghasilkan data, laporan dan statistik tanpa berasaskan sebarang nama atau secara berkelompok atau berkumpulan yang tidak boleh mengenalpasti anda sebagai seorang individu

  • untuk mematuhi apa-apa obligasi undang-undang atau peraturan di bawah undang-undang, peraturan-peraturan, garis panduan atau kod industri yang terpakai kepada kami

  • untuk  orang-orang  yang  telah  dikenalpasti  sebagai  anda  atau  wakil  yang  anda  telah memberikan kuasa,untuk tujuan urusniaga atau pertanyaan.

  • untuk apa-apa tujuan yang diperlukan atau dibenarkan oleh undang-undang, peraturan, garis panduan dan /atau pihak berkuasa kawal selia yang berkaitan.


Kami akan menzahirkan data peribadi anda kepada:

  • kerajaan persekutuan atau negeri

  • agensi penguatkuasa undang-undang

  • agensi-agensi kerajaan

  • pihak berkuasa kawal selia

  • anak-anak syarikat, syarikat bersekutu, syarikat gabungan, ataupun syarikat berkaitan

  • syarikat  atau   organisasi   yang  membantu   kami   dalam   memproses  dan   /atau   bagi melaksanakan transaksi dan menyediakan perkhidmatan yang telah anda pohon

  • rakan perniagaan kami dan pihak-pihak lain yang mempunyai tujuan yang berkaitan dengan tujuan pengumpulan dan penggunaan data peribadi anda

  • pihak-pihak lain di mana anda telah memberi kebenaran secara nyata atau tersirat


Anda diwajibkan untuk memberikan data peribadi anda kepada kami sekiranya dinyatakan di dalam borang permohonan atau pendaftaran kami secara manual atau elektronik, bagi membolehkan kami memproses permohonan anda untuk perkhidmatan kami. Sekiranya anda gagal untuk memberikan data peribadi yang lengkap dan yang diwajibkan tersebut, kami mungkin tidak dapat memproses permohonan anda atau menyediakan perkhidmatan kami kepada anda


Anda berhak untuk

  • mengakses dan membetulkan data peribadi anda yang disimpan oleh kami. Jika anda berhasrat untuk mengakses data peribadi anda yang berada di dalam simpanan kami, atau jika anda berpendapat bahawa data peribadi tersebut tidak tepat, tidak lengkap, mengelirukan atau tidak terkini, anda boleh membuat permohonan kepada kami menggunakan Borang Permohonan Akses Data atau Borang Permohonan Pembetulan. Borang- borang tersebut tertakluk kepada bayaran bagi menampung kos kami.

  • Menghentikan promosi produk kami kepada anda.

  • Menarik balik persetujuan memproses data peribadi. Sekiranya anda menarik persetujuan memproses, kami tidak dapat memproses aplikasi atau memenuhi permintaan anda atau menyumbangkan perkhidmatan kepada anda.


Kami akan menyimpan data peribadi and selagi janka masa yang diperlukan. Tetapi, selepas tempoh masa tujuh (7) tahun, data peribadi anda akan dihapuskan secara kekal.


Kami berusaha untuk mengambil semua langkah yang munasabah untuk melindungi data peribadi anda dan memastikannya disimpan dengan selamat. Ini termasuklah dengan mengikuti prosidur keselamatan kami seperti

  • Memastikan data peribadi anda disimpan dengan baiknya mengikut kehendakan APDP.

  • memeriksa identiti anda semasa anda menelefon kami

  • Memastikan kakitangan kami tidak menyalahgunakan data peribadi anda 


Walau bagaimanapun, anda bertanggungjawab untuk menjaga kata laluan dengan baik dan tidak menzahirkannya kepada pihak lain bagi mengelakkan risiko pencerobohan terhadap data peribadi anda.


Kami memproses data peribadi anda hanya di dalam Malaysia sahaja. Berkemungkinan adalah perlu untuk kami memindahkan data peribadi anda ke luar Malaysia jika mana-mana pembekal perkhidmatan atau rakan perniagaan kami terlibat dalam sebahagian daripada penyediaan perkhidmatan yang terletak di negara-negara luar Malaysia. Dalam keadaan ini, anda bersetuju untuk kami memindahkan data peribadi anda ke luar Malaysia. Kami akan memastikan pengambilan langkah-langkah yang munasabah untuk memastikan mana-mana pembekal perkhidmatan atau rakan perniagaan adalah diikat di bawah kontrak supaya tidak menggunakan data peribadi anda untuk sebarang tujuan selain daripada untuk menyediakan perkhidmatan yang telah dikontrakkan oleh kami dan melindungi data peribadi anda dengan secukupnya.


Dengan berkomunikasi, perlantikan syarikat kami ataupun melanggani produk dan servis kami, anda telah mangakui bahawa anda telah membaca dan memahami notis ini dan besetuju and memberi kebenaran untuk mengguna, memproseskan, menzahirkan dan memindahkan data peribadi oleh syarikat ini seperti dinyatakan di dalam notis ini.


Kami komited untuk melindungi data peribadi anda. Jika anda mempunyai sebarang persoalan atau komen berkenaan pengendalian data peribadi, anda boleh hubungi kami di

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