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Katimas "One Pint, Three Miracles” Blood Donation Campaign

Katimas Group organized its 'One Pint, Three Miracles' Blood Donation Campaign on September 3rd 2023, as a Corporate Social Responsibility initiative and a continuous effort to bring change in lives of those in need. With the slogan "Giving Others Another Living Chance", this noble initiative aims to contribute to society by addressing the crucial need for a steady and reliable blood supply.

"Katimas Group aims to increase the number of blood donors as well as encourage repeat donations from existing blood donors to improve our national blood supply count. We also aim to raise awareness among the masses about the need for blood supply and engage the local community in the noble cause" as stated by Dato' Franco Lee, Chief Executive Officer of Katimas Group.

The event was held at Emart Tabuan Jaya Branch from 9 am to 2 pm. 12 representatives from different departments of the Katimas Group volunteered to help with the registration, guidance, and donations for blood donors. The campaign was also supported by 10 officers from the Ministry of Health Malaysia, fostering a seamless collaboration between the two organizations.

The company believes that engaging the local community in such a noble cause can have a far-reaching impact on the health and well-being of the region's residents, aligning with our mission statement, “Empowering Communities, Transforming Lives”.

The "One Pint, Three Miracles” Blood Donation Campaign achieved resounding success as it not only met but also exceeded its goal of securing 50 blood donors. The campaign reached its goal to raise awareness among the masses about the importance of maintaining an adequate blood supply to ensure timely medical interventions for patients in critical conditions.

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